Steam is used in a wide range of industries. Common applications for steam are, for example, steam heated processes in plants and factories and steam driven turbines in electric power plants, but the uses of steam in industry extend far beyond this.
Here are some typical applications for steam in industry: Heating/Sterilization, Propulsion/Drive, Motive, Atomization, Cleaning, Moisturization and Humidification
In the sections that follow, we will discuss various types of applications for steam, and provide some examples of steam-using equipment to illustrate them.
This article focuses on the trap Safety Factor and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) considerations.
What is the Safety Factor?
The safety factor is a coefficient used when selecting the trap’s required discharge capacity. It helps provide a buffer zone for instances when condensate volume exceeds calculated/predicted values. The estimated condensate load should always be multiplied by the recommended safety factor for trap selection.
(This is a publication on Panels & Furniture Asia)
Until recently, timber drying is generally considered a low-tech business by some working in the area, with the majority of kiln owners make use of kiln drying controllers (and accompanying computer software in some cases) that automate the control of the drying process of the kilns . These embeded controllers work dependently in a distributed manner and don’t really generate the kind and amount of data that are helpful for operation management, quality improvement, remote monitoring, data reporting or troubleshooting.
In today’s technological landscape whereas technology 4.0 is an emerging trend, the timber drying business may leverage on this trend to become even more efficient.
Waygo JSC, a company based in Vietnam has developed a new technology called Cloud Kiln that allows for centralized kiln controlling & monitoring, drying data archiving and visualization, remote monitoring, data statistics & reporting via a cloud service and Telegram alarms and notifications. The domain knowledge upon which Cloud Kiln is developed is majorly provided for by Waygo’s Singaporean partner Tritherm Pte. Ltd., a company that has 25+ years of hands-on experience on timber drying.
In the spirit of many previous discussions between Waygo JSC and Tritherm Pte. Ltd, the two sides have reached agreements and terms to come to a signing ceremony of cooperation in order to develop and bring advanced technologies to domestic and international customers.
Representatives of the two companies had a session to share knowledge as well as information on the field to look for opportunities for cooperation in the future.
With the theme "Automation in the Smart and Innovative National Digital Transformation Program", the expo's focus is "Automation in the 4th industrial revolution" along with 3 main areas of interest: industrial control, automation and specific applications.
Waygo brought to the expo its digital transformation framework & solutions for factories with the desire that more Vietnamese and foreign businesses know Waygo's digital transformation technology so that they can optimize their work in their production activities.
The Marketing team's dinner celebrating the International Labor Day is a departmental bonding activity where in representatives of the BOD share ideas and motivation with the team, looking towards even more fruitful achievements in the coming time.
1. Sôi bồng trong lò hơi là gì?
Sôi bồng là hiện tượng xảy ra khi nước trong lò hơi bị cuốn theo hơi nước, dẫn đến tình trạng hơi nước bị lẫn nước, ẩm ướt và chứa tạp chất. Hiện tượng này làm giảm đáng kể chất lượng hơi nước, ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến hiệu suất hoạt động và tuổi thọ của lò hơi, cũng như chất lượng sản phẩm trong quá trình sản xuất.